- The table is not level. 桌面不平。
- Every instrument on the table is not a precision one . 工作台上的仪器不全是精密的。
- Every instrument on the table is not a precision one. 工作台上的仪器不全是精密的。
- The table is set for six guests. 桌子上摆好了六位客人的餐具。
- None of that money on the table is mine. 桌上没有一分钱是我的。
- Any node type not listed in the table is not a valid node type to set a value on. 该表中未列出的任何节点类型都不是设置了值的有效节点类型。
- The table is too big to go onto the closet. 桌子太大,放不进贮藏室里。
- This floor has warped so that it is not level . 地板弯翘不平了。
- I will call you as soon as the table is free. 当有空桌时我就叫你。
- The table is covered with flour. 这桌子上铺满了粉。
- If the table is not indexable it may be because you are not the table owner or because the table contains columns with data types of text, ntext, or image. 如果表不可索引,则可能是因为您不是该表的所有者或因为该表包含具有text、ntext或image数据类型的列。
- The table is inlaid with an ivory flower-pattern. 桌面上嵌着象牙雕成的花。
- Relatively practical method is a workshop locate corner, make it is not sent too abrupt, a piece of L the table is most applicable, and can space of enlarge wide practicable. 较为实用的方法是把工作间设于角落,使它不致过于突兀,一张L型的桌子最为适用,且能扩宽可用的空间。
- One of the legs of the table is broken. 桌子的一条腿坏了。
- The field where this game is being played is not level. 我们是在高低不平的场地上比赛的。
- The table is right in the middle of the room. 桌子摆在房间的正中。
- Make sure the table is securely anchored. 务必要把桌子固定好。
- Of that money on the table is mine. 桌上的钱都不是我的。
- Adding or removing triggers on base tables is not affected by creating a schema-bound view that references the tables. 创建引用表的架构绑定视图不会影响为基表添加或删除触发器。
- The table is dusty. Go and find a duster for me. 桌上有灰。去给我找把掸子来。